Shared Faculty and Staff Governance in University Libraries

University Libraries is committed to the concept of shared faculty and staff governance, and actively seeks input from the library faculty and staff on a regular basis through standing committees, task forces, and working groups. Faculty librarians are encouraged to participate in strategic planning that helps advance University Libraries. Faculty and staff  are also represented on a number of committees and task forces as well as through attendance at regular planning meetings. The following list identifies some important ways in which library faculty and staff are regularly engaged within University Libraries, and where applicable provides names of current committee members.



Faculty search committees

Faculty with University Libraries are regularly called upon to serve on search committees. Faculty search committees are charged with reviewing potential candidates, helping to manage the search process, and making recommendations throughout the search. Search committee members are invited by the Dean of University Libraries and are often selected based on their expertise and interest in the position.

Membership: Faculty are appointed to search committees by Dr. Donald Gilstrap, Dean of University Libraries.




University Libraries Assessment Task Force

In preparation for The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) accreditation reaffirmation at The University of Alabama (2025), the University Libraries Assessment Task Force is charged with building upon and helping to reinforce a culture of assessment within University Libraries. Meetings of this group provide a forum for assessment-related communications and planning across all library areas.

Membership: Kevin Walker, Chair; Alice Daugherty, Emy Decker, Harold Goss, Karleigh Riesen, Michael Arthur.



University Libraries Strategic Planning Committee

This planning committee is established by the Dean of University Libraries with representation from throughout University Libraries. The committee is charged with conducting an environmental scan, developing the University Libraries Strategic Plan, addressing goals and objectives, devising a process for implementation, and monitoring and measuring progress.

Membership: Emy Decker, Chair; Sadia Kamal, Kara Gibson, Kevin Walker, Alice Daugherty, Harold Goss.



University Libraries Collections Management Team

The Collections Management Team provides senior level leadership and planning related to selection, purchasing and access to library resources in all formats. The team works collaboratively as needed with librarian liaisons to ensure that University Libraries continues to support the teaching and research needs of The University of Alabama. The team assumes responsibility for budget planning and collection policies. The team oversees all operations related collections management including the regular creation of cost and use reports across a wide selection of resources to help guide decision-making.

Membership: Michael Arthur, Chair; Alice Daugherty, Lindsey Lowry, Dr. Donald Gilstrap (ex officio), Dean of University Libraries.



University Libraries Instruction Working Group

The Instruction Working Group is charged with reviewing, assessing, and recommending best practices in library instruction services. This group meets on a monthly or as needed basis to discuss issues pertinent to library instruction and information literacy.  The group also maintains discourse through a dedicated listerv to sustain conversation between meetings.

Membership: Michael Arthur, Emy Decker, Harold Goss, Kevin Walker, all liaisons (Gorgas and Branches).



University Libraries Technology Advisory Group

Forum for discussing technology in the University Libraries, outstanding issues, priorities, workflows, roadmaps, and project management.

Membership: Dr. Donald Gilstrap, Dean of University Libraries, Emy Decker, Bob Pucko, Caryl Wyatt, Jennifer Tillis, Danny Miller, Sadia Kamal, Steven Turner, James Michelich.



University Libraries Circulation Discussion Working Group

The Circulation Working Discussion Group (CDWG) provides leadership and guidance in all areas of circulation and enables the Libraries to provide excellent user experiences through the development and implementation of coherent circulation-related policies, practices, and procedures. The Group facilitates communication and problem-solving among all library staff with circulation responsibilities, and recommends Library-wide changes for consideration by Library Administration. The Group also organizes and provides training on circulation-related procedures and functions with the general goal of discussing current practices and moving toward standardized procedures when feasible.



University Libraries Diversity Committee

The University Libraries Diversity Committee provides leadership and guidance in the area of equity, inclusion, and diversity. The committee makes recommendations for programming, services, and partnering with campus groups to promote, support, and sponsor events to celebrate a diverse campus.

Membership: Emy Decker, Chair; Lance Simpson, Lindsey Lowry, Sarah Sahn, Russel Peterson, Harold Goss, Maureen Wolfrom, Bettye Toney.



University Libraries Data Services Task Force

The Data Services Task Force (DSTF) is charged with developing recommendations/plans for library services that support research, teaching, and learning relative to the acquisition, management, and analysis of data. Planning efforts and recommendations of the Taskforce include data services currently provided by University Libraries (UL), as well as novel services devised by the DSTF.

Membership: Kevin Walker, Chair; Karleigh Riesen, Vincent Scalfani, Mark Siciliano, Sarah Sahn, Russel Peterson, Lance Simpson, Kathryn Hepburn, Elaine Walker.



University Libraries Reference Task Force

The Reference Task Force charge is to review, assess, and recommend best practices in reference services. Initiated following instituting LibChat service in 2020, this task force reviews our reference statistics with an eye towards making data-driven recommendations related to services provided.

Membership: Emy Decker, Chair; Harold Goss, Vin Scalfani, Sarah Sahn.



Tenure and Promotion Committees

Tenured faculty within University Libraries may serve on Tenure and/or Promotion committees. Tenure Committee elections are held annually and both tenured and tenure track faculty are eligible to vote. Representation on tenure and promotion committees is determined based on the policies found within the Faculty Handbook and University Libraries procedures.

Membership: Membership on Tenure and Promotion committees is by both election and appointment following established procedures.



Folio Implementation Team

Folio is a next generation library management system currently under development. University Libraries is currently engaged in the testing and development of Folio, and has a team of faculty and staff following progress, providing feedback to developers, and moving forward with plans to migrate to this new system.

Membership: Michael Arthur, Chair; Barb Dahlbach, Caryl Wyatt, Catherine Smith, Emy Decker, Karleigh Riesen, Kathryn Hepburn, Kevin Walker, Lindsey Lowry, Alice Daugherty, Bob Pucko, Steven Turner.




Department Heads and Coordinators (DHAC)

This group meets with the Dean of Libraries on a monthly basis to discuss issues pertinent to management and leadership within University Libraries. Agenda items are requested prior to each meeting.

Membership: Catherine Smith, Harold Goss, Karleigh Riesen, Kevin Walker, Lindsey Lowry, Alice Daugherty, Michael Pearce, Bob Pucko, Steven Turner.



Faculty Meeting

This group meets with the Dean of Libraries on a monthly basis. The topics are pertinent to management and leadership within University Libraries. Faculty are provided the opportunity to express ideas and agenda items are requested prior to each meeting.

Membership All tenure, tenure track and clinical faculty are invited.



All Staff Meeting

Two times each year all faculty and staff within University Libraries come together to discuss a number of issues related to management and assessment of library services and collections. These meetings often focus on strategic planning and provide faculty and staff the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.

Membership: All tenure, tenure track and clinical faculty are invited.