- The University of Alabama Libraries
- Libraries Procedures and Guidelines
- Records Management Statement
Records Management Statement
The following guidelines are for the University Archives and Records Management program. For more information, contact records@ua.edu.
Transferring Records
Please note the changes to our guidelines for transferring records to University Archives. If you have questions, please contact university archives at records@ua.edu.
- All records transferred to University Archives should be scheduled for retention.
- Temporary records are inactive records of value. These records may be transferred to University Archives for storage. They will be destroyed at the end of their retention period, as specified in the Records Disposition Authority.
- Permanent records are inactive records of enduring value. These records will be transferred directly from the originating office to University Archives.
- University Archives reserves the right to refuse transfer of records if they do not meet our requirements. Please view our Storage Requirements and Preparation Checklist to Transfer Records for more information.
- To transfer records to University Archives, complete the Box Transfer Form for Storage below. Contact records@ua.edu for assistance if you have any questions.
- A Box Transfer Form must be submitted to University Archives prior to physical transfer. University Archives will deny or approve transfer of records based on the information provided in the form.
- If approved, the records can be transferred to University Archives. Note: The originating campus office is now responsible for arranging to have records transported to University Archives.
- The originating office can do so by a) having office personnel deliver the records to University Archives, or b) by submitting a work order with Logistics and Support Services. For more information, contact us at records@ua.edu.
- University Archives reserves the right to refuse transfer of records if they do not meet our storage and transfer requirements. Please view our Storage Requirements and Preparation Checklist to Transfer Records for more information.
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Retrieving Records
Records stored in University Archives may be checked-out and temporarily returned to the originating office, or to any other authorized University of Alabama department, division, or agent.
To request check-out and return of records, please follow the procedures below. If you have questions, please contact us at records@ua.edu.
- Requests for check-out and return of records stored in University Archives should be submitted by email to records@ua.edu.
- Provide as much detail as possible, including file name, box number, and any accession or location information that has been provided by University Archives.
- University departments may choose to save this Retrieval Form as a template and use it when requesting records.
- Records will be retrieved from storage, checked-out, and delivered to the requesting office by University Archives staff.
Destroying Records
All University records that do not have enduring value should be shredded at the end of their retention period. Records should be destroyed at the end of their retention period unless there is good cause to retain them (such as an ongoing court case). Records may not be stored in University Archives beyond their retention without good cause.
- At least once a year, each office should review its records and retention schedules to determine which records should be destroyed.
- To schedule destruction of records held in University Archives, please contact us at records@ua.edu.
- Please submit a Destruction Report to University Archives when University records are destroyed in your office. The purpose of this form is to document that University records are being destroyed according to established retention policies and to provide information regarding destruction to the State Records Commission.
- Confidential records must be shredded, or otherwise physically destroyed in a manner that will leave their content un-reconstructible. Determination of what constitutes confidential records is the responsibility of the division.