Whisper Booths
Scott Barnes | 205-348-6586 | jsbarnes@ua.edu
The UA Libraries can help you create audio projects, such as voiceovers and simple keyboard and acoustic instrumental recordings.
Two booths are available by reservation (Faculty, Staff or Student). Schedule a booth using the link below.
Whisper Booth Equipment
- Yeti professional microphone with a boom and shock-mount.
- 88-key keyboard with presets and midi controller.
- iMac with Garage Band and footswitch. Training on Garage Band is available in the Sanford Media Center.
If a more sophisticated recording setup is required, please contact the Sanford Media Center.
Visit the circulation desk to get started. Don’t forget your USB drive!

Music Library, Gorgas, 1st floor

Inside Whisper Booths
Policies/Procedures for Whisper Booths
- Whisper booths are for use by UA faculty, staff, and students.
- Booths may be reserved for use only during the hours the library is open. Occupant(s) must exit the booths and return the keys one half hour prior to closing time.
- Booths may be reserved up to 14 days ahead of time.
- Booths may be reserved for up to 4-hour segments, limited to 8 hours in a 7-day window.
- Both booths may not be reserved at the same time by the same person.
- Keys to the booths are checked out from the Gorgas Circulation Desk located on second floor.
- Failure to return the key promptly at the end of the reservation to the Gorgas Library Circulation Desk will result in a non-refundable fine of $25. This applies to all users, including faculty.
- If a booth is not occupied within 15 minutes of the start time of the reservation, the reservation is cancelled, and the booth is available to another person.
- If a booth is not occupied and not reserved, please see the Gorgas Circulation Desk for availability.
- Booths are intended for recording purposes, not for individual or group study.
- Person reserving the booth is responsible for the equipment during the reservation period. If a piece of equipment is missing at the start of a reservation, notify the Gorgas Circulation Desk immediately.
- No more than two people may use a booth at the same time.
- Sound levels must be kept within reasonable limits. Patrons may be asked to perform at lower sound levels.
- No amplifiers or speakers may be used in the booths.
- No drum sets may be used in the booths.
- Acoustical instruments, including voice, woodwinds, brass, strings, etc., may be used only at low sound levels.
- Booths do not take the place of practice rooms in the School of Music.
- If individuals are engaging in unacceptable and/or disruptive behavior as stated in the Libraries Code of Conduct, appropriate actions will be taken.
- Booth windows may not be covered.
- Food and drinks are not allowed in the booths.
- No additional furniture may be moved into the booths.
- If a booth is in need of cleaning or maintenance, notify the Gorgas Library Circulation Desk immediately.
- The Library is not responsible for the loss or theft of personal property. If you leave the booth unattended, you risk the loss of your possessions and responsibility for missing equipment. Lost and Found items are deposited at the Gorgas Circulation Desk and Information Services Desk.