
Designer; art teacher. Born– Bessemer, Ala. Parents– Sterling Price Sr., and Viola Henson Ansley. Grew up in Mount Pleasant and Nashville, Tenn. Married– Norman Worrell. Children– Four. Education– George Peabody College, B.S. Taught art in Atlanta; Barstow School, Kansas City, Mo. Costume designer, Children’s Theater, Nashville, Tenn.


Authors of Books for Young People; book jackets.


American Costume, 1840-1920. Harrisburg, Pa.; Stackpole Books, 1979.

Americana in Miniature. New York; Van Nostrand-Reinhold, 1973.

Be a Puppeteer; the Lively Puppet Book. New York; McGraw-Hill, 1969.

Children’s Costume in America, 1907-10. New York; Scribner, 1980.

Classic Teddy Bear Designs; Heirlooms to Make & Dress. Cumberland, Md.; Hobby House Press, 1986.

The Doll Book. New York; Van Nostrand, 1966.

The Dollhouse Book. New York; Van Nostrand-Reinhold, 1964.

Dolls, Puppetdolls, and Teddy Bears. New York; Van Nostrand-Reinhold, 1977.

Early American Costume. Harrisburg, Pa.; Stackpole Books, 1975.

Make Your Own Miniature Rooms. Riverdale, Md.; Hobby House Press, 1978.