WEAVER, HERBERT, 1905-1985
Historian; college professor. Born, July 28, 1905, in Brewton, Ala. Parents– Levi P. and Anna (Holladay) Weaver. Married– Blanche Henry Clark, March 5, 1944. Education– Birmingham Southern College, A.B., 1926; Vanderbilt University, M.A., 1935, Ph.D., 1941. Taught in Alabama secondary schools, 1926-1935; Georgia Teachers College (now Georgia Southern College), Statesboro, 1940-1942 and 1946-1949; professor of history at Vanderbilt University, 1949-; chairman, History Dept., 1962. U.S. Air Force, 1942-1946. Member– Organization of American Historians, American Historical Association, Tennessee Historical Society, Kappa Phi Kappa; editorial board, Tennessee Historical Quarterly, 1948-1952; Journal of Southern History, 1957-1959. Received the Thomas Jefferson Award for Distinguished Service by a Faculty Member at Vanderbilt, 1973. Awarded status of professor emeritus on his retirement. Died February 5, 1985.
Contemporary Authors online
Mississippi Farmers, 1850-1860. Nashville; Vanderbilt University Press, 1945.
Joint Editor:
Correspondence of James K. Polk. Nashville; Vanderbilt University Press, 1969.
History of the United States Air Force in World War II. Chicago; University of Chicago Press, 1948-1958.