WALDRON, ANN WOOD, 1924-2010
Journalist. Born– December 14, 1924, in Birmingham, Ala. Parents– Earl Watson and Elizabeth (Roberts) Wood. Married– Martin O. Waldron, October 18, 1947. Children– Four. Education– University of Alabama, A.B., 1945; Princeton University, graduate study. Reporter, Atlanta Constitution, 1945-1947; feature writer/reporter, Tampa Tribune, 1957-1960; weekly columnist and correspondent, St. Petersburg Times, 1960-1965; book editor, Houston Chronicle, 1970-1975. Public relations representative, Princeton University, 1975-89. Published book reviews and articles in Publishers Weekly, Nation and Science Digest. Awarded Notable Book Citation from American Library Association; Best Book Citation from Child Study Association; Notable Book for Social Studies Citation from Children’s Book Council. Died July 2, 2010.
Contemporary Authors Online.
The Bluebury Collection. New York; Dutton, 1981.
Claude Monet. New York; Abrams, 1991.
Close Connections, Caroline Gordon and the Southern Renaissance. New York; Putnam, 1987.
Eudora: A Writer’s Life. Doubleday, 1998.
Francisco Goya. Abrams, 1992.
The French Detection. New York; Dutton, 1979.
Hodding Carter: Reconstruction of a Racist. Algonquin, 1993.
The House on Pendleton Block. New York; Hastings House, 1975.
The Integration of Mary-Larkin Thornhill. New York; Dutton, 1975.
The Luckie Star. New York; Dutton, 1977.
Pearl S. Buck: Compassion for Two Worlds. Las Cruces, NM: Sofwest Press, 1998.
Rachel Carson: Perseverance to Save the Planet. Las Cruces, NM: Sofwest Press, 1998.
Scaredy Cat. New York; Dutton, 1978.
True or False?; Amazing Art Forgeries. New York; Hastings House, 1983.
Joint Publication(s):
Your Florida Government. Tallahassee University of Florida Presses, 1965.
Papers of Ann Wood Waldron are held by the Hoole Special Collections Library at the University of Alabama.