GILMORE, J. HERBERT, JR., 1925-1995
Clergyman. Born– January 7, 1925, Rutledge, Tenn. Parents– Herbert and Mabel (Doyal) Gilmore. Education– Carson-Newman College, B.A., 1945; George Peabody College, M.A., 1949; Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, B.D., 1950; Th.M., 1951; Th.D., 1959; Yale University. Married– Joyce Marie Wade, June 17, 1946. Children– Four. Served as pastor in Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Alabama, Washington, D.C.; pastor of the First Baptist Church of Birmingham, 1968-1970; led a walkout when church would not receive African-American members; formed Baptist Church of the Covenant, Birmingham, and served as its pastor, 1968-1976. Later transferred to the Methodist Church. Visiting professor at Missouri Valley College, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Carver School of Missions and Social Work, and the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Member of the Academy of Parish Clergy, Society of Biblical Literature, National Conference of Christians and Jews. Died March 23, 1995.
Contemporary Authors online; obituary
The Church and the Nation. New York; Vantage, 1979.
The Cross of Love. New York; Vantage, 1979.
Devotions for the Home. Nashville; Broadman, 1971.
They Chose to Live; the Racial Agony of an American Church. Grand Rapids, Mich.; Eerdmans, 1972.
When Love Prevails; a Pastor Speaks to a Church in Crisis. Grand Rapids, Mich.; Eerdmans, 1971.