Agricultural Extension Service official; college administrator; radio pioneer. Born– August 15, 1890, Athens. Parents– Richard Scoggins and Elizabeth (Barker) Davis. Married– Mildred Kilburn, June 19, 1918. Education– Attended Potter College, Bowling Green, Ky.; Alabama Polytechnic Institute, B.S., 1916; graduate study at API. Employed by Agricultural Extension Service to work with 4-H Clubs, beginning in 1918; director of the Alabama State Agricultural Extension Service, 1937-1959. Founded radio station WAPI at Auburn, which later became associated with the National Broadcasting Company, the first radio network in the state. . Executive secretary of Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 1932-37 (during this period the school was run by an administrative committee made up of three members, the “executive secretary” being one member). Member of Phi Kappa Phi, Masons, Shriners, and Kiwanis. Named Man of the Year in Alabama Agriculture, 1939, by the Progressive Farmer magazine; awarded a Citation for Distinguished Service to American Agriculture by the American Farm Bureau in 1946. Died January 17, 1973.
Library of Alabama Lives, 1961.
A Century of Science on Alabama Farms. Auburn, Ala.; Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 1952.
Extension Work: Its Origin, Nature, Value, and Opportunity. API, 1949.
My Davis Ancestors and Relatives. N.P., n.d.
One Man; Edward Asbury O’Neal III, of Alabama. Auburn, Ala.; Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 1951.
The papers of Posey Oliver Davis are held by the Ralph Brown Draughon Library at Auburn University.